When you're in the trenches of Lyme or chronic illness, it can feel nearly impossible to think clearly and come up with proactive and productive ways to move forward and get the help you need. I Have Lyme: Now What? is a journal prompt for people battling Lyme disease and chronic illness. It's a place for your weary heart to sit and heal.

"How do I heal from this?" Where do I turn for support? How do I maintain my relationships?" These are all common questions that come up while battling Lyme disease. As the battle continues, you might lose bits and pieces of yourself. You look in the mirror one day and think, "Who am I now?" You no longer recognize the person staring back at you.

When you’re chronically ill, you forget what it’s like to truly live. The author knows what it's like to struggle continually to reclaim your life from the ruins of Lyme. She created this to be a tool for you to feel a little less lost and stuck as you heal from Lyme.

Ask the RIGHT questions, be your own advocate, and become more in tune with who knows you best: you! Healing is possible.
